Why 24 News Networks – Even ESPN – Are Silly

Does it mean anything? 

I think it means one team scored more points. Maybe one team is getting better or worse as a general trend. Or maybe it was a fluke. 

At one point, news media answered questions in the headline. Now that’s optional, if not frowned upon at some places: giving away too much in a buzzfeed headline will reduce the number of clicks. 

This ESPN headline is exciting because it lets the reader ask all of these questions in one’s head, rather than actually telling the reader any worthwhile information. 

Inbox-almost-zero in 2016


Above is the Mac Mail app and Things, a task manager I use to track what I need to do each day.

At this time in 2015, the number on the Mail app would have been likely over 100, and Things probably wouldn’t have even been open, since I had given up using it effectively sometime in 2014.

Sometime in the second half of 2015, I realized I wasn’t being strict enough with myself about ensuring I knew what I wanted to get done each day.  I turned to Things, took an evening to organize a bunch of the little tasks and ideas I had jotted down over the last year, and started using it as the GTD method intends:

Something in the “Today” bucket (which drives the number in red) should only be there if it truly needs to get done.  It isn’t a prioritized wishlist – the “Today” view should simply be the absolute bare minimum.  If you get nothing else accomplished today, what MUST be accomplished?

By being diligent and keeping my expectations reasonable, I’ve kept my Things’ Today list and Mail Inbox at a manageable quantity throughout  the first 18 days of the year.

I’m unreasonably proud of this fact.

Here’s to hoping the next 348 days (it’s a leap year) follow that same pattern!

Happy 2016!

It’s been a busy year so far for me, and I haven’t posted much, but highlights of the year include:

  • watching old home videos of my Grandma and other family members in Germany
  • hearing my Dad bring joy to people in various care facilities by playing his guitar
  • getting to be in Boston with Diveena

A few fun things I’ve done while in Boston:

  • checked out the show floor at the American Library Association
  • saw the play Disgraced, by Ayad Akhtar (what a play!)

More photos and other thoughts to come about my travels – for now, I’m focused on work, life, and enjoying time with Diveena!